Lay back in the arms of Nature & Food

The place has to be special for it was an important moment in our lives. Post wedding and a hectic month, we wanted to just get out of our kitchens and slouch back at a place with cosy atmosphere and good food. The reason I fell for my woman is that she is a fabuous foodie and she has selected the perfect place for such a quick gateway for the entire family. It was to be Machan restaurant within the Greenwood compound. Located in the midst of natural greenery with resting peace, this place is just situated at the edge of the periphery of urban Guwahati. But, it was amazing that it preserved the natural feeling of pristine peace and laziness. I loved it.

At Greenwood Resort, Khanapara, Guwahati
At Greenwood Resort, Khanapara, Guwahati

_DSC2788Coming to food, did they cook some brilliant food? Oh dear! Look at those pictures and you can let your imagination take care of the taste. I always complained about a good place where you get good food, with nice yet subtle interiors, great natural exterior and that is not too far from the city. That day, I got my answer. The food was deli-sh and it won’t burn a hole in your pocket. As we were coming out, we bought some nice bakery items that were fresh like the morning sun for our evening tea in our home. An out and out complete experience in this nice place.

You should try it.

Lunch@Naga Style!

Home Cooked Naga Platter
A home cooked Naga style lunch platter that has sticky rice, steamed lentils, steamed green leafy vegetables and a delicious pork cooked in bamboo shoot and fiery “Bhoot Jolokia.” The dish is supplemented by a pungent chutney that is made out of Dry Fish, Tomato, roasted Chilies and some local herbs.